Small Animal
Wellness Exams
Wellness Exams help prevent and stop illness. These exams have many benefits to pet and owner. Routine tests run during these exams can help save you money in the long run. Our clinic is equipped with in house CBC and blood chemistry machines. Vaccinations are also given at this time to help prevent disease.
We highly recommend having your pet spayed or neutered. There are many benefits to your pet's health and usually leads to your pet having a happier life. The unfortunate reality of millions of pets being euthanized at a young age because there are simply no homes for them. Help by having your pet spayed or neutered. We also offer other surgical procedures to help keep your pet happy and healthy.
Home Again microchips are small chips inserted into your pet's skin in between the shoulder blades. Insertion is simple and provides a lifetime of identification for your pet. Once registered, microchips provide peace of mind for pet owners in case a pet is lost.
Dental care
Dental care is a huge part of your pet's well being. Decaying teeth and receding gum lines can cause major tooth loss in your pet at a young age. Your pet's teeth will be checked at each yearly exam. Dental cleanings and teeth extractions are done routinely on dogs and cats.
We are fully equipped with x-ray and ultrasound machines. These tools are used to diagnose many illnesses and injuries to help us better treat your animal.
We offer boarding of your pet all days of the year. All pets are required to be current on all vaccinations including kennel cough (Bordetella). With an appointment, pets can be dropped off and picked back up Monday-Saturday.
Large Animal
Herd Work
Portable hydraulic chute and manual squeezes. Portable scale in manual for wean weights. Indoor heated working facility.
Bull breeding soundness exams and ultrasound pregnancy diagnostics.
Heated indoor OB area for difficult calvings and caesarian sections.
Calf Room
Record keeping and data analysis for cow/calf producers
Equine Power Float
Semen testing and ultrasounding